½ cup Parmesan Cheese
½ cup Dried Cranberries
1 cup Walnuts
Red Wine Vinegar
Olive Oil
Place walnuts on a baking sheet and cook in oven at 350 for around 8-10 minutes until
walnuts are toasted and golden brown.
Put dried cherries in a small saucepan on stove and pour in red wine vinegar, cook on low
for about 10 minutes and let cranberries absorb the vinegar and get soft and plump.
Chop up kale and place in bowl with parmesan cheese. Squeeze in some lemon and drizzle 2
tablespoons of olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste.
When cranberries and walnuts are done – let them cool and then add to salad. Add
additional vinegar or olive oil to taste. Toss together and enjoy!