10 Foods to Avoid at all Costs
One question I hear all the time from clients and class participants, is “What foods should I avoid?”. While I do believe that it is more important to focus on adding healthy foods INTO your diet, versus taking things out, sometimes it can be helpful to know big unhealthy food traps to avoid. I definitely think an “all things in moderation” approach is the most realistic goal to have – but these 10 foods are ones that should be on your list to avoid/eat the most sparingly. Take a look and see what changes you should make in your diet.
1. Processed Snack Foods
This is a huge health trap because processed snack foods are around us all the time, at the office, in the grocery store and in vending machines. They seem like an easy fix when hunger strikes – but processed snack foods are packed with preservatives, trans fats, and lack nutritional value. Avoid this trap by packing healthy snacks to take with you every day. I always keep small bags of almonds, trail mix, sliced fruit and greek yogurt with me to eat when I need a little pick me up. By having healthy options available you will be less likely to go for the bag of chips, pretzels, or candy bar.
2. Soda
This sugary drink is probably the number 1 thing all doctors and dietitians agree should be nixed from your diet. One can of soda has 33g of sugar, which is already over the recommended 24g of sugar per day. Most sodas also contain high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which poses other health. Because HFCS is not a naturally occurring sugar, our bodies do not respond to it the same way as sugar. HFCS is absorbed into your blood stream faster because of how it is chemically designed, and as a result causes big spikes in insulin – our body’s major fat storage hormone. If you are interested in more about the science of HFCS check out Dr. Mike Hyman’s article here. Stick to drinking basic water, herbal teas or water infused with delicious natural ingredients such as cucumber or lemon for a better way to hydrate!
3. Stick Margarine
There was a point in time when margarine was considered a healthier alternative to butter, but the thought has switched since then. Margarine is usually loaded in trans fats that are a huge culprit in rising cholesterol levels. You would be better off opting for a small amount of regular butter than reaching for the margarine.
4. Instant Ramen
I never ate much ramen even in college, but I definitely had friends who loaded up on these noodles every week. Ramen is filled with huge amounts of sodium. One pack of Nissin Chicken Flavor Ramen has 1,820mg of sodium, which is more than half your FDA daily recommended amount of 2,300mg. Skip the Ramen instead choose low sodium canned soup, or even better make your own homemade soup.
5. White Bread
This food to avoid is one of the number one things I cut out of my diet for good. We see processed white bread in so many forms: bagels, french toast, dinner rolls, hamburger buns etc. The main problem with white bread is its lack of nutritional value, as well as the fact that this starchy carb has a high glycymix index. White bread is made from refined grains – whole grains that are essential stripped of all fiber, vitamins and minerals. Because of the refined nature of white bread, it is quickly absorbed into your blood stream and spikes insulin levels, essentially turning into sugar when it enters your body. Skip the white bread all together and opt instead for whole grains that are full of healthy nutrients.
6. Frosting
Just say NO to store bought frosting. The colorful decorating sugar is filled with both high fructose corn syrup, trans fats and preservatives – three big unhealthy ingredients that are completely unnecessary. Instead make homemade whipped cream, homemade frosting with basic ingredients, or skip the frosting all together and dust your cake with a small amount of powdered sugar and top with fresh berries.
7. Sugary Cereal
This carb and sugar filled breakfast is a big health trap in the morning. Many cereals can seem healthy because the boxes use buzz words like “whole grains” or “low fat” . Don’t be fooled by these marketing strategies. Check the side of your cereal boxes and look for one that is high in fiber and low in sugar. Also, check the ingredients list and make sure that the list is short, and that you can understand most of what is listed. A long list of big, unrecognizable words means the cereal has many artificial ingredients that you want to avoid.
8. Milkshakes
Milkshakes are delicious, but not the best choice when going for ice cream with your friends in the summer. A milkshake can have a huge amount of calories. Case in point: a Baskin Robbins Oreo Milkshake has 2,600 calories, more than the calories most people should eat in a whole day! While not every milkshake is quite as extreme as this example, most milkshakes range in calories from 700 to over 1,000. These shocking numbers definitely mean you should skip the milkshake an opt for a small scoop of ice cream, or even better – frozen yogurt with berries.
9. Store Bought Baked Goods
In the morning, nothing sounds better with your coffee than a muffin or scone. This classic combination however is definitely something you should switch up. Store bought muffins, scones and donuts have tons of calories, huge amounts of sugar and preservatives that make them able to sit in the glass counter of a coffee shop for hours. These baked goods also tend to make you feel bloated, cause indigestion and leave you feeling hungry just shortly after. Opt instead for a healthy breakfast with some protein. Try oatmeal with nuts and dried fruit, whole gain toast and peanut butter, or fresh fruit and a greek yogurt.
10. Sugary Coffee Drinks
I love a good coffee drink as much as the next person, but the one thing I do always avoid is the frappucinos, sugary lattes, and flavored syrups. As decadent as they taste and sound, coffee drinks can have as much or more calories than a piece of chocolate cake. These hidden calories can be causing weight gain, because you do not realize how much sugar they are adding to your diet. When heading to your local coffee shop chose black coffee with skim milk, a cappuccino with soy/skim milk, or tea with organic honey. Starbucks is also adding coconut milk this month, so you can try an iced coffee with coconut milk!
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