30 minute mornings

30 minute mornings

Everyone has a favorite time to work out and this varies from person to person – what I love though is working out in the morning as a way to start my day the right way. We are all busy – working, going to school or taking care of a family, so time can be an issue when it comes to exercising every day. I have found that making time for a quick 30 minute workout every morning is a great way to make sure I fit my daily active time in! If you have trouble getting to the gym, consider waking up just 30 minutes early and rolling out of bed for a quick half hour of cardio and toning to jump start your day.

pliee squat
Working out at home can be a great time to save time. No need to travel anywhere, pack a gym bag, or worry about how your hair looks early in the morning – just throw on some yoga pants and get started.
With a set of dumbbells and a little space in your living room you can work towards achieving your fitness goals one step at a time. Try setting the alarm clock just 30 minutes early twice this week and give it a try! Combine two of my 15 min workouts – one cardio and one strength training – to get your heart pumping, muscles working and metabolism jump-started.
No matter what else happens that day you will know you made time for yourself and accomplished something great and you should be proud of that! Get the endorphins flowing and prepare to take on your day the SummerGirl way: fit, fabulous and loving life.



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