Outdoor Workouts

With weather warming up and the sun starting to peak out from behind rain and snow clouds, the great outdoors is calling your name SummerGirls! Spring and summer months provide the perfect opportunity to enjoy fitness outside, switch up your workout and sweat in some beautiful natural places. There are many great ways to get your workout on outside of your gym or living room. 

One of my favorites is a bike ride! Just grab a helmet and water bottle and find a spot to ride, whether around your neighborhood, along a river, or through a park. Biking is a great way to tone the legs while working to condition your heart. If you do not have a bike, go for a jog, run or walk to get yourself moving outside. Start from home and run 15 minutes in one direction, then run back and try to beat your time! When you finish the run, work in some body shaping exercises with my “25 X 5 On The Go” workout for full body toning without any equipment.

25 X 5 — Workout

* 25 Squats
* 25 Lunges each leg
* 25 Pushups (regular or on the knees)
* 25 second Plank
* 25 Plank Knee Pull Ins Side to Side


Another one of my favorite outdoor workouts is interval circuits in the park. Grab a stopwatch or use your smart phone and time yourself for 1 minute intervals of high intensity moves with 15 second breaks in between. Do each interval set below of 5 moves, 3 times through for 30 minutes of heart pumping cardio. Then finish with the 25 X 5’s for a great complete workout you can do anywhere!

* Jumping Jacks
* Hop Across the River
* Skaters Side to Side
* Butt Kicks
* Jumping Rope
* Plyo Squat, 2 hops
* High Knees
* Football Run
* Front Kicks Alternating
* Double Heel Taps

Take advantage of the warm weather and challenge yourself to sweat outside in the park, at the beach, in your backyard or by a lake. Don’t forget to stretch after working out and bring plenty of water to drink. If you live somewhere like I do, where summer temperatures can get over 100 degrees, workout early in the morning or after the sun goes down and stay extra hydrated. SummerGirls love the outdoors and we love to sweat! Put the two together for an awesome way to stay fit!

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