7 Ways to Curb Your Appetite Naturally

7 Ways to Curb Your Appetite Naturally

Here are some great tips to help curb your appetite naturally, so you can stick to a healthy number of calories per day and avoid over eating. Skip the gimmicks, scary pills and unhealthy habits and try these simple tricks that will keep you on track with your weight loss goals! Revamp your daily routine so YOU control what goes in your body, not your appetite.

1. Sleep Sleep Sleep

When your body is tired it releases cortisol, a stress hormone, that can lead to increased appetite and unnecessary cravings. Avoid this by getting 7-9 hours of sleep consistently every night. You need to get your foundation right before you can make changes to your eating routine – so get your sleep schedule under control! Make changes if you need to, but make these 8 hours of rest a priority in your week.

2. Drink Enough Water

Oftentimes we feel hungry, but we are actually dehydrated. Avoid this trap by drinking lots of water continually throughout the day. Water with lemon, lime or other infused fruit is a great way to add some extra healthy flavor to your water. Also if you feel like snacking, drink a few cups of water first and see if you are still hungry.

3. Plenty of Protein

Having protein in your diet is essential to keep you full longer and avoid mid day cravings. If your daily meals are full of simple carbohydrates (bread, sugar etc.) you will get hungry again quickly because your body digests simple carbs quickly. Make sure you are eating protein at every meal to curb your appetite and keep your body fueled longer.

4. Eat Every 3-4 Hours

Your body digests food in around 4 hours, so if you eat regularly throughout the day you can refuel your body before you start to feel starving. If you wait and eat only 1-2 big meals a day it is so much easier to overeat and then feel hungry again later. Plan out healthy snacks and eat throughout the day to avoid cravings late at night or bing eating at meals.

5. Exercise Daily

Exercise has actually been shown to reduce your appetite! If you are feeling hungry, go for a walk or a run, or a yoga class. Get your mind of food, and get the endorphins flowing! Just one more reason to squeeze that workout in today.

6. Flax Seeds

These seeds are full of omega 3’s and are rich in fiber. Some studies have shown that flax seeds also help curb appetite. Put these seeds in smoothies, on top of oatmeal or greek yogurt, or in a salad to help you feel full longer. They have a great texture and nutty flavor and are full of health benefits.

7. Get to Know YOUR Body

Often we eat because we are bored, stressed, unhappy, have anxiety, or any other number of reason besides actually being hungry. Be aware of this food trap. Keep a food journal of what you eat, and start writing down how you feel when you eat, especially if you have gone off track one day. Look back over your week and try to identify patterns. Maybe you always snack at night after a stressful day at the office, or maybe binge eating sessions coincide with stressful family events. Get to know your body so you can listen to it and determine if you really are hungry.


Hope these tips help! We all struggle with control now and then, but these tips can be great in helping you stick to your healthy lifestyle. Leave your comments and questions for SummerGirl Fitness below.


Your Trainer

Marielle Collins

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