Plant Based Week 4: Top Tips for Going Vegan

This week marks # 4 of my plant based, whole foods challenge eliminating all animal products. I am officially half way through the 6 weeks and going strong. Today I want to share with you my top tips for going vegan or plant based, and how to manage eating out, getting enough protein without animal products, knowing what to eat, and how to handle criticism. Below are my top 10 tips for going vegan – and hopefully these will inspire some of you to try these last 3 weeks with me!

1. Find a Vegan Bakery + Restaurant

If you live in a big city, than I promise you there is a vegan restaurants or bakery in your area. Do some research and find one so you know where you can go when you need a little treat, or want a great dinning out option. I found Capital City Bakery here in Austin. It is 100% vegan and a great place for a vegan cupcake if you have a birthday or just want to grab a treat with girlfriends. Austin also has a ton of vegan restaurants, and these can be helpful for a weekend night when you just want to eat out.

2. Lentils and Beans are Your Friend

One of the biggest challenges I have found during my plant based challenge is making sure to have enough protein in my diet. I have discovered that lentils and beans of all kinds are definitely your best friend when you eliminate meat and dairy. Instead of topping my salads with chicken, I now use black beans, chickpeas and lentils. There are also so many delicious complete protein recipes you can make using these legumes as well.

3. Quinoa Can Be Made Into Anything

Quinoa, a grain crop with edible seeds, is actually a complete protein with all the essential amino acids your body needs. It can also be baked into bread, used in stir fry, tossed on a salad or eaten by itself. Quinoa also tastes great in veggie burgers, as a breakfast cereal or inside a burrito. There are so many ways to make quinoa – and this complete protein is on my must-have list for vegan eating.

4. Spices, Spices, Spices

We are very used to flavoring our food with butter and cheese, so a plant based diet can seem bland at first. I discovered fast that spices are your friend, and there are great ways to season food without drowning them in cheese or topping them with butter. Embrace chili power, curry powder, pepper and herbs to make food taste delicious.

5. Eating Out = Plan Ahead

Throughout my weeks of plant based eating, the only times I struggled to know what to eat is when I went to restaurants with friends. It can be a source of anxiety to wonder, “what will I be able to eat at this restaurant” and feel awkward and unsure when everyone wants to go to a bbq place. (I do live in Texas after all!) One thing that helped me was doing some research ahead of time, especially with restaurants that have menu’s available online. I discovered that for instance Cheesecake Factory has a lot of vegan options, despite the fact that it has the word cheese in its name. Doing a little research ahead of time and picking out something you know you can eat can help you feel less unsure.

6. Focus on What You CAN Eat, Not What You ‘Can’t’

I feel like people always focus on what you “can’t” eat as a vegan, instead of focusing on all the amazing foods you CAN eat! For example, when I am not spending money on meat and dairy products at the grocery store – I can afford to buy many more fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and trail mix, and do not feel guilty paying a little more for organic foods since I know I will be saving money not buying processed foods, dairy or meat products. Bring on the peaches, grapes and berries!

7. Always Pack Snacks

I learned the hard way that you never want to be caught out somewhere hungry as a vegan, because more often than not you will be in a place that does not have healthy plant based options around. I now make sure to always have snacks with me, in my gym bag and my car for when the cravings hit. I carry small packs of nuts, apples, dried fruit and vegan granola bars – just in case I need a snack.

8. Eat Fresh – Avoid Too Many Convenience Foods

Packaged vegan foods do not always taste the best. Meat-less options may not taste like meat to you, and vegan frozen foods can be off-putting. My advice is instead of going to your grocery store and looking for “vegan” foods – just stick to what you know, fresh is best! Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and focus on these foods to start your Plant Strong diet. Vegan convenience or frozen foods may be necessary during the busy work week, but rely more on fresh foods to make up your plate.

9. Change Your Mindset

Sometimes I think the hardest part of adopting a plant based, whole foods diet is changing the way we think about food and meals. We are used to having a meat as a main course, for example, with vegetables as a side. The idea that your ENTIRE meal could be a combination of vegetables and beans sounds crazy to some people. This is where I would suggest trying to keep an open mind and see things from a new perspective. You will be surprised how full you cab feel after  bowl of lentils…don’t knock it till you try it!

10. Share Don’t Judge

My last tip speaks to the stereotypes that vegan, plant based, gluten free or other “diets” or food lifestyles can sometimes get. I have seen people get defensive when they realize that I am not eating animal products or when I tell them about this challenge I am doing. I actually had one girl say to me, “Oh my gosh I could never been like that – one of those annoying people who eats nothing but salad….” Ummm alright then?! You just have to take everyone’s view and opinion with a grain of salt, and realize that with time, a lot of openness and kind words, people will see that you are excited to share your knowledge and journey with them, with absolutely no judgement. I never want to judge anyone based on the choices they make – we are all different, with different backgrounds, customs and views on the world. My goal is to share my knowledge and passions with the world but the word share is the important one here! #NoJudgementZone


I hope these tips help all of you starting week 4 of this plant based, whole foods challenge with me! Leave your comments and questions below.

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