Working out in the morning is a great way to start the day off right, and be sure to get your sweat session in for the day. Morning workouts also help wake you up, jump start your metabolism and keep you more alert and productive. The challenge, of course, is getting motivated to actually wake up for the life changing routine! Here are my favorite 8 ways to get motivated for your morning workout:
1. Move Your Alarm Clock
Help yourself wake up in the morning by moving your alarm clock across the room. This makes it harder to hit the snooze button and ignore your wake up call. I also set multiple alarms just in case I do fall back in bed. Kick butt in the morning with a plan to get UP and get MOVING!
2. Lay Out Your Workout Clothes
Lay out your workout clothes the night before to make it easy to get ready in the morning. Set out your clothes to set your intention for the workout, and make it easy to throw on yoga pants and a tank top and head out the door.
3. Pack Your Gym Bag the Night Before
Plan for success and make it easy to follow through. Keep your gym bag packed and ready to go with everything you need for your workout. If you shower at the gym, keep your travel sized shampoo, soap and makeup in your bag so you have everything you need ready to go.
4. Plan A Healthy Pre-Workout Snack
Choose something small and healthy to eat in the morning before your workout. Pick a combination of protein and carbs to start the day. Some of my favorites options are whole wheat bread and peanut butter, oatmeal with walnuts, or a banana and tablespoon of almond butter.
5. Meet a Friend at the Gym
It is always easier to make it to the gym when you have a friend holding you accountable. Make plans to meet up with a friend. Text and call each other in the morning to make sure you are ready to go. If you do not have a friend able to make the morning commitment, try a workout class in the morning at your local gym.
6. Create a Morning Playlist
Music always gets me going in the morning. Create a morning workout playlist full of energizing songs to get you pumped up and ready for your early routine. Spotify also has lots of pre-made workout playlists that can get you motivated in the morning.
7. Do a Workout You Enjoy
If you hate running – save the long run for another day. If you plan a workout for the morning that you absolutely despise, it will be even harder to get motivated. Choose a morning workout that is fun and something you enjoy. Save the burpees and sprints for another day – and pick a workout you like to help stay motivated.
8. Plan a Reward
Plan a reward for yourself if you make it through a month of morning workouts without missing one. Whether it is a new dress, a weekend away to the beach, or a message – believe in yourself and your success by planning a reward for when you have made it through the first part of your goals.
Happy morning workout everyone! Get motivated with these tips and get that sweat session going early. Leave your comments and questions for SummerGirl Fitness below.