Get BACK ON TRACK after before the holidays with this 2 week slim down. Follow the 10 steps below to clean up your diet and jump start your metabolism! Avoid starchy carbs, focus on lean protein and clean foods to drop some extra pounds this November. In general I am all about moderation, but for these 2 weeks let’s focus in and clean up our diet for a 14-day slim down!!
1. Toss out all the bread, pasta, potatoes and cereal
For this 14 day challenge make it a goal to avoid ANY starchy carbs. That means no bread, no pasta, no breakfast cereal and no crackers. So many of these foods have little nutritional value, lots of empty carbs and sugars and tend to increase weight gain and fat storage. Go through your kitchen and toss these foods for 2-weeks free from starchy carbs.
2. Stock up on lean protein
Head to the grocery and buy chicken breast, fish, lean turkey and other protein sources that are lean and healthy. Avoid red meat and opt instead for salmon or turkey burgers, chicken breast and other fish options. There are tons of great recipes that you can make with lean protein that will keep you full longer and take the place of the starchy carbs we are avoiding.
3. Trade your diet soda and juice for bubbly water
I love La Croix flavored water with no added sugar or sweetener. Trade your soda and diet soda for water to keep hydrated, avoid empty sugars and any artificial ingredients. There are lots of brands of flavored water, or you can make your own infused water with cucumbers or citrus fruits.
4. Increase Fruits and Vegetables
Make it a goal to eat fresh fruits and vegetables at EVERY meal. Raw fruits and vegetables are the ultimate clean food and have the most vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Fill your refrigerator with healthy and fresh fruits and vegetables, and aim to eat these raw foods at breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks.
5. Write it down
Keep track of your food and calories by either writing it down in a food journal or entering your food in an app like My Fitness Pal. Get back on track this week by writing down your food and watching your calories.
6. Drink 3 L of water a day – Skip the alcohol
Stay hydrated and keep your metabolism running strong with plenty of water. For this 2-week challenge it is ESPECIALLY important to stay hydrated with plenty of fluids. Buy a liter water bottle and refill it 3 times throughout the day to stay hydrated. Also, take a 2 week hiatus from any alcohol. There is nothing wrong with the occasional glass of wine or two – but for these 14 days, stick to lots of water instead.
7. Avoid processed foods
Along with tossing out all the starchy carbs for 14 days – also avoid any processed foods, pre packaged chips, candy, snack foods etc. Opt instead for nuts and trail mix for snacks, fruits and vegetables or carrots sticks and hummus.
8. Amp up your workouts
Take your workouts up a notch by adding in additional cardio and strength training routines for the next 2 weeks. Aim for 6 workouts a week mixing cardio, strength training and mind body workouts. Try to do something everyday and allow yourself 1 rest day. Whether it’s a walk with a friend or a hike with your dog, do something active 6 days a week!
9. Track your weight
Weigh yourself every few days during the 14 day challenge to track your progress and get in the habit of watching your weight and being aware of your body. Make sure to weight yourself at the same time every day, preferably in the morning – and write your weight down to keep track.
10. Remember it is ok to go to bed a little hungry
I think often we are used to always feeling full, and the minute we are hungry we think we have to eat something. Remember if you are hungry but have had your calories for the day, it is ok to go to bed a little hungry.
Follow these 10 steps for your 14-day slim down. Leave your comments and questions for SummerGirl Fitness below!